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This grant fund was set up in memory of community artist Anna Evans (Anna Celf). 

The aim is to continue the fantastic work that Anna did in the community, with priority given to funding community arts projects for people of all ages in Ceredigion.


Although the beneficiaries will be those involved in the creative activities, it is hoped that community artists and groups will apply for funding to facilitate these activities.  Anna’s aim was to inspire creativity in other people and to enable them to find their voice.  She paid great attention to the beauty of the end product but at the heart of her practice was the pleasure and joy that others experience when involved in a self-led creative process.

Sefydlwyd y gronfa grant yma er cof am yr artist cymunedol Anna Evans (Anna Celf).

Y nôd yw parhau â’r gwaith gwych a wnaeth Anna yn y gymuned, gan roi blaenoriaeth i ariannu celfyddydau cymunedol i bobl o bob oed yng Ngheredigion. 


Er mai’r buddiolwyr fydd y rhai sy’n ymwneud â’r gweithgareddau creadigol, y gobaith yw y bydd artistiaid a grwpiau cymunedol yn ceisio am arian i hwyluso’r gweithgareddau hyn.  Nod Anna oedd ysbrydoli creadigrwydd mewn pobl eraill a’u galluogi i ddod o hyd i’w llais.  Talodd sylw mawr i brydferthwch y cynnyrch terfynol ond wrth wraidd ei gwaith oedd y pleser a’r llawenydd y mae eraill yn eu profi wrth gymryd rhan mewn proses greadigol hunan-arweiniol.

"do the next interesting thing"

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©2023 Anna Evans Community Arts Grant. Web Design Stephen Griffiths

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