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How to Apply

Download the application form here and return it to us by April 1st 2023 to

Details of how the applications will be evaluated is also available below

We will review the applications within 4 weeks of the closing date and inform you of our decision. 

Money will be paid out by May 16th 2023.


Projects must be complete by March 31st 2024 and relevant paperwork returned to us.



Application and Info



How we will Evaluate



Sut i wneud cais

Dadlwythwch y cais oddi yma a’i ddychwelyd atom erbyn Ebrill y 1af 2023 i Mae manylion sut y bydd y cais yn cael ei werthuso, isod.

Byddwn yn adolygu’r ceisiadau o fewn 4 wythnos o’r dyddiad cau, ac yn eich husbysu o’n penderfyniad.


Rhaid cwblhau prosiectau erbyn Mawrth 31ain 2024 a dychwelyd y gwaith papur perthnasol atom.



Fflurfen Cais



Sut fyddwn yn asesu’ch cais



Questions? Cwestiynau?

Email us! Ebostiwch ni!



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©2023 Anna Evans Community Arts Grant. Web Design Stephen Griffiths

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